Goin' one stop shoppin' at TraceTheWaugh

Goin' one stop shoppin' at TraceTheWaugh
Goin' one stop shoppin' at TraceTheWaugh

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Why does my good news always turn into the request for the "hook-up"??

It's odd to me that whenever I tell this "friend" any good news on my behalf, 1st thing said after "congrats" (which never sounds sincere) is "girl make sure you hook me up too". Now I don't have ANY problem helping/hooking up but if everytime my good news means you want your "hook-up" then the realization comes that it's not really a two-sided friendship but one sided selfishness. Many times in the past the cheek would be turned & the hook-up would happen but the older more mature my nature is becoming no longer turning the other cheek on the behavior but remove self from the "friendship" to be able to give that energy of helping/hook-up to someone who is sincerely happy for your good news knowing that whatever good news received would be shared because that's the nature of who I am...the question now is who are you?

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